Human Resource Management

Imagine a world run by artificial intelligence and robots who think, feel, make decisions and behave like human beings? Due to the extraordinary complexity of human beings, humanity in our age will certainly not experience it. Because only humans are characterized by their complex ability to experience, feel, communicate, plan, think, and interact socially in complex ways.

In the Human Factors in Management module you will learn:

  • How recruiters will recruit in five years
  • What is Agile Personnel Management
  • What are the main ethical dilemmas we will face in the future when evaluating employees
  • Why some employees are more exposed to occupational stress and burnout than others
  • Why some people find it easier to become a group leader and how this is related to emotional intelligence
  • Is it really easier to influence female employees than male employees
  • What are the main focuses and causes of (organizational, international, inter-ethnic) conflicts and how to operate in conflict environments
  • How different (geo) economic, (geo) political, legal, security and cultural (religious) environments affect the operations of Slovenian entrepreneurs abroad
  • What relations exist between the new coronavirus and neoliberalism?

Lecturers in the module who are recognized experts in their fields are here to explain social issues concerning the functioning of individuals, organizations and the wider environment to you. The knowledge you will acquire will be used with great benefit in all social interactions with other employees, subordinates, superiors and business partners at home and abroad, regardless of the industry in which you are/will be active. Because human relations are still a major factor in collaboration, teamwork, business development and social progress being (im)possible. And because you cannot rely solely on artificial intelligence when functioning in the business world.

The course work is conducted in small groups and is interactive - through case studies, discussions, and student in-depth study and presentations.



                      1st Year                    

     2nd Year     

Management and Organization (9 ECTS)
Obligatory courses
Business process management (9 ECTS)  Leadership (6 ECTS)
Strategic management 2 (9 ECTS)  Research methodology (6 ECTS)
Supply chain management (9 ECTS)  Master thesis (18 ECTS)
Managerial accounting (6 ECTS)
Financial management 1 (6 ECTS)  Modern HR approaches and tools (6 ECTS)
Marketing strategies (6 ECTS)  Organizational behaviour (6 ECTS)
Entrepreneurial society (6 ECTS)  Legal aspects of HRM (6 ECTS)
  Elective course 1 (6 ECTS)
  Elective course 2 (6 ECTS)

*ECTS = Eruopean Credit Transfer System


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