Management in modern society

Are you seeking answers to current questions and challenges that organizations are facing in the context of fast and breakthrough changes of our time:

  • How societal environment and understanding of labour are changing?
  • What does it mean to operate in a socially responsible manner?
  • How to successfully connect and collaborate in a multicultural environment?
  • What are contemporary trends in management?

You will acquire answers to these questions by studying in the Module Management in Modern Society in the framework of Master study programme (2nd level) Management. In this module, you will develop values, knowledge and skills, by means of which you can successfully lead profit or non-profit organizations and effectively resolve business challenges that occur therein. Module topics enable you to successfully develop your own professional career while being aware of values that are important for the development of individuals, organizations and society.

The Module is designed in a way that upgrades knowledge and skills from the first year and which refer to social, economic and technological aspects of management and organization. They are: Management and Organization, Operations Management, Strategic Management and Supply Chain Management. Students upgrade and deepen this knowledge and skills with the help of transversal competences which they acquire in the following courses: Change Management, Power of Creativity and Innovative Thinking, Legal Aspects of Management and Project Management.

The biggest innovation of the future will be a change of ourselves. So be an actor in this change and join us in the module Management in Contemporary Society.



                        1st Year                      

     2nd Year     

Management and Organization (9 ECTS)
Obligatory courses
Business process management (9 ECTS)  Leadership (6 ECTS)
Strategic management 2 (9 ECTS)  Research methodology (6 ECTS)
Supply chain management (9 ECTS)  Master thesis (18 ECTS)
Managerial accounting (6 ECTS)
Financial management 1 (6 ECTS)  Change management (6 ECTS)
Marketing strategies (6 ECTS)  Management of creativity and innovation (6 ECTS)
Entrepreneurial society (6 ECTS)  Legal aspects of management (6 ECTS)
  Elective course 1 (6 ECTS)
  Elective course 2 (6 ECTS)

*ECTS = Eruopean Credit Transfer System


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