Management of Industry 4.0

By studying Module Management of Industry 4.0 in the framework of Master study programme (2nd level) Management, you acquire knowledge, skills and competences, by means of which you can resolve the most complex challenges of development with the support of current technologies I 4.0 and thus contribute to positive societal changes. The module enables you broad employment possibilities in private and public sector as well as with self-employment in one's own company.

The purpose of the module is to qualify students to be directors of Industry 4.0 who will be able to develop (by using technological solutions) new insights, approaches and operation. We are updating study programme and this module just in the right time, because the idea and method of management development Industry 4.0 puts in the forefront a transition into knowledge and innovation society, efficient use of resources as well as competitiveness of economy and inter-connectedness of society.

The Module is designed in a way that upgrades basic knowledge, skills and values that refer to economic, social, environmental and technological aspects of management development from the first year. Students acquire a deeper insight into topics, such as: Sustainable Organization in Digital Society, Strategic Management of Technologies, Intellectual Property Management and Managerial Aspects of Smart Technologies.

With this, you acquire key emphases and directions for answers to the following questions and challenges:

  • How to timely detect perspective business opportunities and develop innovative products, services and business models?
  • What is management 4.0 and how to efficiently lead development process in organizations and contribute to a common social welfare?
  • How to use creativity potential of employees and partner organizations?
  • How to develop innovation culture in organizations and how to increase business success?
  • How to create added value on the basis of fresh ideas and research development achievements?

The biggest innovation of the future will be a change of ourselves. So be an actor in this change and join us in the module Management of Industry 4.0.



                      1st Year                    

     2nd Year     

Management and Organization (9 ECTS)
Obligatory courses
Business process management (9 ECTS)  Leadership (6 ECTS)
Strategic management 2 (9 ECTS)  Research methodology (6 ECTS)
Supply chain management (9 ECTS)  Master thesis (18 ECTS)
Managerial accounting (6 ECTS)
Financial management 1 (6 ECTS)  Sustainable organization in a digital society (6 ECTS)
Marketing strategies (6 ECTS)  Strategic management of technologies (6 ECTS)
Entrepreneurial society (6 ECTS)  Industrial property rights management (6 ECTS)
  Elective course 1 (6 ECTS)
  Elective course 2 (6 ECTS)

*ECTS = Eruopean Credit Transfer System


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