Academic progress and graduation

A full-time student can progress to the 2nd year if they complete academic obligations of at least 46 ECTS .


A part-time student may repeat the 1st Year once in the course of tehir studies if they have completed at least 30 ECTS of the 1st Year. As a rule it is not possible to repeat the final year. The student may however extend the status for one year after final year to fulfill missing obligations. 


Students graduates when they complete all 120 ECTS of the study programme; students have to complete all the courses and other study obligations and prepare and defend a master thesis.

To complete the study programme the student must must complete at least 60 ECTS from the study programme at UP FM. The student can transfer other credit points from other educational institutions, acquire them through mobility at home or abroad, or apply for recognition of knowledge and skills acquired before enrollment.

After preparing and defending the master thesis, students are eligible to graduate and receive their diploma certificate at the next graduation ceremony.


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