Tuition and fees

Enrolment and tuition fees are approved by the Management Board and published in the official pricelist of the University of Primorska. The pricelist for enrolment fees and contributions is published here, the pricelist for tuition fees is published here.

Full-time study

Students pay an enrolment fee for each subsequent year of study. The enrolment fee for academic year 2024/2025 is 40,06 EUR.

Tuition fee is paid by:

  • students of non-EU countries, excluding persons granted international protection, applicants for international protection and persons from countries with which the Republic of Slovenia has concluded bilateral agreement (Slovenia has concluded bilateral agreements with Bosnia and Hercegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Serbia) and foreign citizens with permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia if themselves or at least one of their parents or guardians is a taxpayer in Slovenia;
  • all students with already acquired equivalent degree of education regardless of citizenship.

 Tuition fees for academic year 2024/2025 for 

  • Academic Bachelor's programme in Management (in Slovene language, in English language) is 3.500,00 EUR
  • Master's programme in Management (in Slovene language, in English language) is 4.000,00 EUR
  • Master's programme in Economics and finance (in Slovene language, in English language) is 5.000,00 EUR

Tuition fees are paid in four instalments:

               payment due                 bachelor's in Management         master's in Management       master's in Economics and finance 
 at enrolment  350,00  400,00  500,00 
until 15 December  1.400,00  1.600,00  2.500,00 
until 15 February  1.250,00  1.500,00  1.500,00 
until 15 April  500,00  500,00  500,00 


Part time study

Students pay a registration/enrolment fee for each subsequent year of study. The enrolment fee for academic year 2024/2025 is 40,06 EUR.

All students enrolled in part-time study pay tuition fee regardless if they are from EU countries or non-EU countries.

Tuition fees for academic year 2024/2025 for master's programme in Political Science - international relations and economic diplomy (in Slovene language, in English language) is 5.000,00 EUR.

Tuition fees are paid in four instalments:

               payment due                     master's in Political Science 
 at enrolment  500,00 
until 15 December  2.500,00 
until 15 February  1.500,00 
until 15 April  500,00 


The tuition fee does not include the mandatory health insurance for foreign students. This has to be settled before the start of study. 

Tution and fees for doctoral studies

Students pay a registration/enrolment fee for each subsequent year of study. The enrolment fee for academic year 2024/2025 is 40,06 EUR. 

The doctoral study programme is delivered as a part-time study programme. All students enrolled in part-time study pay tuition fee regardless if they are from EU countries or non-EU countries. 

The tuition fee is paid for each academic year separately, for the first enrolment in each year of studies.

Tuition fees for academic year 2024/2025 for doctoral programme in Management (in Slovene language, in English language) is:

  • 1st Year of studies 3,500.00 EUR
  • 2nd Year of studies 3,000.00 EUR
  • 3rd Year of studies 2,500.00 EUR
  • 4th Year of studies 1,000.00 EUR


The tuition fee is payable in three instalments based on invoices issued as follows:

              payment due                1st Year             2nd Year            3rd Year            4th Year 
at enrolment  350,00  300,00  250,00  100,00 
 until 15 December  2.000,00  1.700,00  1.500,00  600,00 
until 15 Februarja  1.150,00  1.000,00  750,00  300,00 


Doctoral students can apply for co-funding of their doctoral studies, information on co-funding is available on the website in link Co-funding tuition fees of doctoral study programmes. Candidates must submit the Statement on the fulfilment of the conditions for co-funding tuition fees in doctoral studies for students of the University of Primorska. If you are granted co-funding of your doctoral studies, the amounts of the remaining instalments of the tuition fee will be adjusted accordingly to the amount of the co-funding.

Unregistered students

Students who become unregistered students (does not enrol in a higher year of studies) pay fees in accordance with the price list.

An unregistered student referred to in the second and fourth indents of Article 171 of the UP Statute may complete all academic obligations under the same conditions as a person with the status of a student for a period of one year from the day they first lost their student status.

After the expiration of one year from the termination of the student status, they pay for sitting an exam in the amount of  47,32 EUR for each exam (regardless of the previous number of examinations).

If the student does not meet the conditions required to take the exam (obligations set out in the curriculum: eg. completed tutorials, seminair paper etc.), they are charged the cost of completing the obligation of the course by multiplying the number of credits for the course by the credit score according to the price list for unregistered students.

The value of 1 credit point for calculating the price for an individual course for unregistered students is 58,00 EUR for the academic bachelor's programme in Management, 67,00 EUR for master's in Management, 83,00 EUR for master's in Economics and finance and for Politilcal Science.


Graduation fee

A student who has completed all academic obligations except bachelor's thesis and has interrupted his / her studies for more than two years and wishes to complete their studies must, in accordance with the UP Statute, apply to the Student Affairs Commission to complete their studies.

In addition to the cost of issuing the decision of continuance, which amounts to EUR 56.00, the student also pays the graduation fee for unregistered students.

An unregistered student referred to in the second and fourth indents of Article 171 of the UP Statute, may complete all academic obligations under the same conditions as a person with the status of a student for a period of one year from the day they first lost their student status.

After the expiration of one year from the termination of the student status, the student pays a contribution for the preparation and defense of the bachelor's thesis in the amount of 280.00 EUR for the academic bachelor's programme in Management and 490,00 EUR for master's in Management, Economics and finance and Politilcal Science.

The graduation fee can be payed in two installments, but must be payed in full before the presentation of the thesis.

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